Family Shots



Here are some shots of the kids, cousins, and other relatives. I'll try to keep everyone named for completeness. Click on an image to see an enlarged version.


Peter and Claire, at Claire's brother Alan and wife Ellen's wedding.

This is Peter's sister Ann, husband Alex, and their daughter Margaret. Photo taken at Ann's graduation from Oxford University (what a brainy lot they are).

Lingas in Oxford

Same people as above, this time with Joseph and Philip joining in. During a visit to our house in Beaverton (that couch should look familiar if you've been through this web site).

This is Joseph's cousin Margaret (as mentioned above). Taken outside of the graduation ceremony at Oxford.


The sibling group who make up From left: (Joseph); Peter; Ann; Margaret; John. Joseph snuck into the photo. He's famous for that...

Our collective 15 minutes of fame: all four siblings in the Portland Youth Philharmonic at the same time.
Hanging out with cousins in Seattle. Claire's brother Alan and wife Ellen's two daughters, Hanna and Maya; Ellen's sister Liz and husband Dick's son Jacob and daughter Sarah; and Philip and Joseph. Hanna and Maya are sitting together between Joseph and Jacob. Sara is sitting next to Philip.
And of course, beautiful Claire